The Laboratory and Counselors – Access Creativity And Intuition


The Laboratory and Counselors during the Silva Method Life System Training show us the extent of José Silva’s genius. Here is where you truly get in touch with your genius potential by using a controlled routine.
During his research, José Silva discovered that people would function more comfortably in the subjective dimension while in surroundings similar to the physical dimension, something to which they were accustomed. The concept of the laboratory was developed, complete with all the furnishings and tools needed to correct problems.
Some of our students experience the laboratory exercise in a very profound spiritual manner. Some experience breakthroughs and gain a deeper understanding of some of their challenges. Others find the experience to be a very practical exercise of modeling excellence.
The counselors were the result of the need to make a research subject feel safe and protected.
To enter your laboratory level is one of attuning to your creative dimension where you generate an environment to facilitate the flow of information and solve problems.
Your counselors represent your own consciousness. Even more, they are your link to all that is – the field of infinite possibilities. They guide you in making decisions and developing creative solutions.
Awaken the Genius Within – Your BEST SELF
You take on the qualities you assign to your counselors. If you believe them to be geniuses, then you function as a genius in the subjective dimension. Counselors do not do your work for you, rather they assist you to learn and evolve.
With your laboratory and counselors, you function in a very powerful manner by accessing creativity and intuition.
 You can do anything you want to help correct problems. Even seemingly illogical solutions, when applied at the subjective level, solve problems. You cannot hurt anyone physically from this dimension.