This spiritual healing meditation was recorded by Ken Coscia in June 2020 and offered as a tool to help you get into a state of grace, boost your immune system, and help your family, friends and loved ones. If you find value in your experience, feel free to share it with that special someone who could also benefit. Remember making meditation a part of your daily practice is the difference that will make the difference!


  1. Center yourself in a state of Grace and Ease. Breathe in peace and energy. Release that which no longer serves your highest good.
  2. Allow yourself to feel genuine gratitude and appreciation.
  3. Do you some Remote healing. Energize and project loving healing thoughts to people you care about.
  4. Feel the energy and joy as you focus on self healing statements. Then Focus and direct your healing thoughts to others in a virtual Energy circle.

If you’re enjoying and getting value from this guided dynamic meditation, consider getting some of KEN’s guided dynamic meditations in a workshop format. You’ll find them on Ken’s Trust Your Intuition Academy.
