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OVERVIEW : Jill Cruz Silva Immersion Life & Intuition System graduate May 2023


“My life has changed in so many fundamental ways since I walked into my first in-person training in May.


I’ll list them in bullet points.  I set my goals as follows at the training in May


1. Consistently feel peaceful and relaxed (I was beyond stressed out from Feb-April this year due to my father’s illness)


2. Be less reactionary to life


3. Make more money


4. Stop nighttime eating habit


5. Figure out my work/business (I wasn’t making enough money to sustain my business)


Since then I have:


1. Felt consistently peaceful and relaxed (this one is HUGE! No more teeth-grinding or dread)


2. Become much more present and mindful throughout the day


3. Tripled my income


4. Achieved much more clarity in my business and work


5. Felt more confident (and I have always been a confident person but this is a new variety of confidence that comes from within)


6. Stopped my nighttime eating habit (this one is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE because even though I wrote it down, I wasn’t ready for this

back in May, but it just happened naturally last month, it has been almost effortless!!)


7. Felt happy and appreciative spontaneously almost daily


8. Developed a strong and very interesting meditation practice that is pleasurable and dare I say, addictive.


9. Enjoyed replacing judgment with curiosity and compassion for myself and others.


10. Felt much more abundant


11. Become a much better leader and presenter


I actively have been doing “law of attraction” and “manifestation” stuff since 2011. The things I learned have been incredible but I didn’t have a way to CONSISTENTLY feel good.


With the Silva Method practices of dynamic meditation, I have found a way to feel powerful and have control over how I feel daily.


Yes, I do meditate twice a day. I think it’s necessary to keep up this level of feeling peaceful and happy but like I said above, it’s enjoyable.


So —- thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”



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4 Step Framework To Enjoy LASTING Success and Performance in the LONG RUN

  1. Competence
  2. Contribution
  3. Community
  4. Command







There are so many options to learn the Silva Method that it can be confusing.

People often as What’s the difference between reading the book, the digital home study, Mind Valley’s offer, and the actual live coursework?

If you are one of those people, then this video that I recorded for you will help you clarify.


