The End Of Year Reflection Exercise To Stay Motivated And Confident

I recorded this video for you. I believe that you’ll find the exercises very helpful to clear and release the old worn out patterns. And create a life vision of hope and optimism for the New Year.


The end of the year marks a threshold and invites a pause for reflection. It’s a great time to take stock of the year behind and look ahead at the year to come.

As we approach 2019, I invite you to invest some present moment time to reflect and project.

If you’re a Silva Method Practitioner, I recommend you also do this at level and use Mirror of the Mind.

If you are not a Silva practitioner, I recommend you do this exercise in a quiet place. A meditative state is ideal with some creative visualization.

Reflect back on 2018

· What were the lessons learned? Seek their value; free of judgment. BE SELF-COMPASSIONATE. Give yourself permission not to be perfect.

· What talents and strengths did you develop and put to good use?
· What gifts did you give and what gifts did you receive?

Project to a vision of 2019

· How will you utilize the lessons learned in 2018? 
· How will your growth experiences season your choices in this new year?
· What gifts would you like to give and what gifts would you like to receive?

Go beyond Goal Setting!

What does your IDEAL – BEST SELF look like for 2019? And how does it make you feel?


My guided meditation and mini-course FUTURE SELF is a powerful and fun exercise to help you create a vision of the future with hope and optimism. You’ll also access intuitive insights to know how to allow your best self to emerge. You can get yours here.

Another mini-course and guided meditation is Power Programming. It’s the ideal complement to enhance Mirror of the Mind. You can get yours here.


As you prepare to do your End Of Year Reflection, keep in mind that BOTH Persistence and Adaptability are necessary to create a fulfilling life.

In this short video you’ll discover that Persistence is the equivalent to Intention. And a commitment to do whatever it takes to succeed.

Adaptability is equal to Allowing. To apply just enough energy or pressure and to release it with an attitude -“May The Best For All Involved Occur.”


Expressions of gratitude and appreciation promote health and healing for both ourselves and others.

Regularly expressing appreciation and gratitude helps to increase your energy levels, reduce stress, boost your immune system, balance your hormones, and promote heart health. 

2018 has been filled with extraordinary growth and some extraordinary challenges. If this year has been tough on you and those you love, I understand.

You’re juggling a lot. You’ve got blessings — no doubt. But you’re also doing your best to navigate some challenges, too.

You’re so much stronger than you realize.

Be good to yourself. Rest when you can. Remember to laugh and have fun.

I encourage you to open your heart to those less fortunate, your loved ones, and anyone (or anything) that has enhanced your life and to offer a token of thanks.

Have you told someone dear to you that you’re happy they’re in your Life?

This could be in the form of a note, a present, or some other meaningful expression of appreciation. Then watch how your acts of kindness create joy and blessings in the world. 

Our family enjoys the practice of going around the table and each expresses something that they are thankful for.

It’s so cool how at first some hesitate but once we get going, the room lights up. I highly recommend this exercise. Then watch in awe as you begin to manifest.

Let’s consider some further thought on this subject.

A key personality trait that plays a crucial role in any achievement endeavor is GRIT, a term first coined by psychologist Angela Duckworth in 2007.

People who have grit have a strong passion to pursue a long-term goal AND the ability to persevere and persist in overcoming obstacles to achieve those goals, even if it takes months or years to accomplish.

The research suggests that having the quality of grit can predict future academic performance in students and indeed, it plays a key role in every achievement-related outcome. 

You can add more GRIT to your personality by having a GROWTH MINDSET according to brain science.

You can also add more GRIT and by staying healthy and balanced by the daily enjoyment of your Silva Dynamic Meditation practice.

Health Benefits of Meditation: Since the 1960’s scientific journals have published thousands of papers on the effects of meditation on health and wellbeing.

These effects include:

  • reduction of anxiety,
  • a reduction in allergic skin reactions,
  • less incidence of angina and cardiac arrhythmias,
  • relief from bronchial asthmas and coughs,
  • reduced problems with constipation,
  • fewer problems with duodenal ulcers,
  • less dizziness and fatigue,
  • lower blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension,
  • alleviation of pain,
  • reduction of insomnia,
  • improve fertility,
  • and help in mild to moderate depression.

And with Ken’s and the Silva Method’s Dynamic Meditation you get all these health benefits PLUS the ability to grow and manifest your goals and intention.

ADD these to your library to feed your GROWTH MINDSET.

Choose one or more or the bundle from Ken’s Trust Your Intuition Academy. Or any of Ken’s online mini-courses.

Grab your’s here.
