Ecstacy is defined as  an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement. It’s also known as an emotional or religious frenzy or trancelike state, originally one involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence. Then there is the pharmacological definition referring to the drug –  an amphetamine-based synthetic drug with euphoric and hallucinatory effects, originally promoted as an adjunct to psychotherapy.

Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal report in their book “Stealing Fire” how Silicon Valley, the Navy Seals and Maverick Scientists are revolutionizing the way we live and work by getting into a state of Ecstasis. It’s a fascinating look at research experiments and applications of this joyful, focused heightened state of awareness that dates back to the ancient Greeks, William James at Harvard University to the present research into FLOW and High Performance.

The research shows that when in this state there is a noticeable shift in brain waves to Alpha and Theta and the brain releases the neuro-chemicals of serotonin, oxytocin, anandamide, dopamine, norepinephrine and endorphins. This cascade of brain chemicals decreases pain, boosts lateral thinking, prompting feelings of peace, well-being, trust and sociability. This non-ordinary state, as it’s called lets us perceive and process more of what’s going on around us and with greater accuracy.

The information richness of a non-ordinary state affords us perspective to make connections where none may have existed before. According to the authors, it doesn’t seem to matter which technique we deploy to get there: mindfulness training, technological stimulation, or pharmacological priming, the end results are substantial. Research reports a 200% boost in creativity, a 490% boost in learning and a 500% boost in productivity.

It is my observation that by far using a mindfulness training, Silva Method Dynamic Meditation training or other proven modalities is the safest and surest way to take command and control of our lives from the inside out. Psychologists at the University of North Carolina in a 2009 study found that even four days of meditation produced significant improvements in attention, memory, vigilance, creativity and cognitive flexibility. This by the way is still yet another reason why I offer and recommend the Silva four day Immersion experience where we spend more than 50% of our time practicing Dynamic Meditation.

Imagine your possibilities when you can sustain a heightened state of awareness – Ecstasis!

If you would like to explore about the Silva Method 4 Day Immersion Experience, click here.

If you would like to find out more about Dynamic Meditation applications to take command of your life,      click here.



Perspective in Psychology is referred to as the Point Of Power.
We’ve all heard the expression – When you change your point of view, you change your life.

Ken Coscia explores how ultimately your perspective on the inevitable life events we all experience is the sole determinant of your results.

In Life S### Happens!

1. Life Event: Even the most fortunate of men and women experience an occasional setback. Some are within our control and some are not.

2. Interpretation – Value – Point of View: is the one thing you have absolute control over. It creates your….

3. Attitude: Pessimistic – give up or Optimistic- makes an effort – takes action

4. Results: the final outcome.

Have you ever thought that some people just seem to have an unfair advantage? 

People always ask me how I do it all, wondering how I am able to move courageously towards my dreams, and travel with my work worldwide for 46 years. Some of these same people often marvel at how I went from academic probation due to Ds at Boston University to graduating Cum Laude – (As) while I was also teaching Silva as a new instructor in Boston. They also wonder how I was able to help my Mom stop having asthma attacks and overcome Arthritis.

Some people chalk it up to good luck, good genes but really its something else… Its having the tools and skills to implement. 

Its the difference between knowing that you are on path, or just struggling to make it through. 
Its the difference between feeling stagnant and feeling deeply fulfilled and energized about your life. 

I have taught  for many years that  confidence comes from consistently living from and into our full potential. Its something that has given me the biggest shifts in my life. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would become the lead trainer and International Training Director for the Silva Method worldwide. I feel so blessed, honored and privileged to serve you in this capacity. 

Now is your time to take it to the next level. And I would like to help you do this.
I want to give you my unfair advantage so that you can have the same unfair advantage in your life. 

I would love to have you join me in an upcoming Immersion Experience of Life & Intuition System and help you take command of your life from the inside out.
You can get started by clicking here.  
And if you are already a Silva Method graduate, you qualify to attend my acclaimed advanced graduate program – The Silva Life Mastery System. It’s all about How To Master Your Silva Skills Create Lasting, Loving Relationships At Work Or Home, Enhance Your Intuition And Thrive.
It’s a rare opportunity coming up June 3-4. You can get all the details by clicking here.


Managing health and to take weight off and keep it off is mostly an inside game that requires changing your health and weight blueprint.

Ken’s Top Tips to take it off and keep it off AND feel GREAT.

> Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
> Move your body daily in activities you enjoy.
> Chew Slowly – Eat slowly.
> Get a healthy restful sleep everyday.
> Enjoy regular daily short Alpha breaks.
> Plus avoid artificial sweeteners.

Taking Charge From The Inside Out – Create New Neural Pathways

Most people who are concerned about their weight already know what to do BUT don’t feel like doing it. You can use Mental Rehearsal with Mirror of The Mind and/or imagine and visualize yourself taking the actions that you know you need to do.
Imagine and/or visualize yourself STOPPING the behaviors that are contributing to the challenge.
Enjoy and do ALL of this each day for 30 consecutive days with Daily Dynamic Meditation!


I’m sure you can agree that self-confidence is a vitally important topic when you consider the extremely high levels of uncertainty so many people are feeling these days. Many of you are facing the need to re-invent your health, relationships and career – finances. There seems to be so much to learn.


I know because I am also re-inventing how I connect with my students and also how to offer high value courses online. Admittedly, at times it feels like a daunting mission with constant learning needed. So much so that I have felt frustrated and even thought a few times to throw the towel in.



How about you? Can you relate?



I am continually reminded that with the right training and tools, it’s easier as long as you have the confidence in yourself to be able to figure things out. I am so very appreciative of so many new training tools that are helping me immensely. I would like to do the same for you.

Confidence in oneself comes from experience, wisdom and especially from having evidence that you have indeed made progress and/or enjoyed some wins. It becomes a resource state that enables you to move through life with a higher degree of certainty and FLOW.


You create a resource state of hope, confidence and certainty by reliving with intense positive emotion a past moment of excellence and lock it in with a trigger such as your three fingers held together. You may remember (if you are an alumni) this tool that you learn in Silva Life System. I find having this sort of evidence of immense value. I can say to myself, if I did it before I can do it again! I will appreciate the opportunity to do the same for you.

I hope to see you in an Immersion soon. I would like to help you to sustain your motivation to grow, learn, optimize your health and thrive. The Silva Method Immersion Experience is packed with How To Do It Tools. Please come and join me and let’s grow together.


The founder of the Trust Your Intuition Academy, the lead instructor and Silva Method International Training Director and author of the Silva Mastery System, Ken Coscia explores the art and science of creating and/or manifesting the life of your design.

This was recorded during a Facebook live.

What does it take to gain intuitive insights and get what you want?

There is a saying that I learned many decades ago – “When you give it all up, you gat it all back.”
Examining and reflecting on this expression helps us to understand what it takes to master our co-creation and/or manifestation skills. It is really a lesson about the delicate balance between Surrender and Persistence.

We have come to understand that when we “try” too hard, we experience obsessive thoughts leading to anxiety which energetically speaking repels our desired outcome. And yet we know the value of persistent effort and doing whatever it takes to achieve our goal. Here in lies our challenge!

There comes a time when we need to release and surrender our intention to the universe or whatever your spiritual belief teaches you.

Watch the video and listen deeply and enjoy.



The founder of the Trust Your Intuition Academy, the lead instructor and Silva Method International Training Director and author of the Silva Mastery System, Ken Coscia explores the language of intuition.

This was recorded during a Facebook live.

Learning to trust and focus your intuition for breakthrough living is both an art form and developed skill. There are obstacles in the path to this inner wisdom. We sometimes experience distortions in our thinking that interferes with accurate reliable intuitive insights. Sometimes you may feel that this feeling, idea and/or course of action is right when it may be that if feels right because it’s safe and you haven’t stepped out of your comfort zone.

We explore in this episode how to clear a path to make better wiser decisions and high performance by learning to make distinctions between playing it safe and being truly inspired.

Practice is necessary to master any skill and especially when it comes to being confident with accurate reliable intuitive insight.
Continuous practice helps you get to the point where you know the difference that makes the difference.

Points of reference are like markers – signposts that are necessary to internalize and integrate to build confidence and certainty.

Ken is committed to The Silva Method and the mission of enriching the planet by empowering the individual. He has been teaching the work of Jose, Juan and Laura Silva, for over 44 years (since 1971).

You will find Ken on stage with some of the industry greats as well as teaching Silva classes all over the world. He is the lead instructor and teaches all of the core material, as well as creating specialty-advanced courses like the Silva Mastery System™. Ken also created and presents the specialized workshops; PowerLearning™ and The Lost Sense: Intuition & You™ Take It Off & Keep It Off and Creating A Bridge To Inner Wisdom™. Ken, as the Director of Training is responsible for keeping educational standards in place for all Silva Instructors world-wide.

Click HERE to find out more about Ken’s online courses.


The founder of the Trust Your Intuition Academy, the lead instructor and Silva Method International Training Director and author of the Silva Mastery System, Ken Coscia explores the four skills necessary to develop to take command of your life.

Science has proven it: every human being is trained and conditioned to earn a set amount of income, and enjoy a certain level of fulfillment.The good news is that brain scan studies prove that you can re-wire and strengthen the key areas in your brain that control your conscious AND subconscious.

What is required is applying the right mind- brain-training methodologies and technologies in the right way… so you replace the limiting beliefs, behaviors, and habits that are currently keeping you stuck. In addition, learning how to release any of your past negative experiences, or fears is critical for you to get to the next level of your success.

The 4 Skills:

1. Manage your energy so that you stay calm, focused and productive even under pressure.

2. Create a clear consistent Vision that is in alignment with your values.

3. Change Limiting Beliefs and shift from uncertainty to confidence.

4. Access higher states of awareness – creativity and intuition to solve problems.

Some of the Takeaways:

  1. The Best Self Exercise
  2. The I Wonder Game
  3. Locking in te Three Fingers Technique

Two of Ken’s Dynamic Meditation Exercises referenced to facilitate the takeaways:

  1. Future Self
  2. Centering For Excellence For Greater Personal Achievements

You’ll find these guided Dynamic Meditations by clicking HERE.

Overcoming failure and/or the fear of failure is crucial for success. For many highly successful men and women who have accomplished great things in life, failure was merely a stepping-stone to achieving greatness. Women like Oprah Winfrey, Laura Silva, JK Rowling and men like Walt Disney, Steve Jobs and Jose Silva, to name only a few, have each had their share of so called failure before achieving a major breakthrough in their work.

Read more

According to neuroscientist, Dr. Candace Pert and countless others, our emotions run our physiology. And the quality of our thoughts and life are the effect of the quality of our emotions. The ability to transform and master your emotions is one of the most important keys for success in your business and personal life. Self destructive emotions can be your own worst enemy. They spoil relationships, create distress, create health problems, reduce productivity, stall your career, destroy your family life and tear down your self-esteem.

Read more